About the artwork . . .
All artwork is drawn digitally on an iPad using Procreate. This allows me to generate
a digital file of the original work as well as high-quality printed items of your choosing. Most artwork is available to be reproduced as either wall art or household items. Please visit the Shop to view items. If there is something in my gallery that you want printed and do not see it in the Shop, you can message me with your requests.
About the chrysalis image . . .
When it came time to design a logo and chose a business name, I knew I wanted to work with the symbol of the chrysalis. A chrysalis is a space of incubation and possibility. A place where alchemy and magic happen. And that's not always a neat and tidy process.
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When a caterpillar enters the chrysalis, it surrenders itself to a process of total transformation. Every part of its body, except for the nervous system, dissolves and reforms itself into something entirely different. I am fascinated by the fact that the nervous system stays intact. It suggests that a butterfly may actually retain some of the memory from its experience as a caterpillar.
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It's a powerful metaphor for all of us. For the messy and beautiful way that life stretches us into new expressions of possibility while holding the foundation of where we come from at our core. And that message is at the heart of everything I offer here at The Chrysalis Imagery.